Thursday, July 14, 2005

Mid July and all is well...

Here it is mid July already! Hard to believe that time has flown by like it has. This being my first single season down here has surely made all the difference as the perspective of a full year contract, and the mid-winter burnout that comes with it, is not nearly what a single season, winter feeling is! I'm not nearly as toasty as when I've done the full summer season and then right on into the winter, but I'll check back in August when the first flights arrive and see just how I feel then!
Life is good, although we're still waiting on things like our court case against the IRS, our residency application with NZ Immigration and the Port Hueneme job. Still, it's not bad and we're managing to have some fun and keep our sanity. Whether it's lounging with friends at someones birthday party...
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Or throwing a BBQ for my customers, complete with a game of horse shoes...
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or just watching the night sky for aurora's, it's all good!
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I've actually been working on our other blog, our Off Ice Antics blog, and that's coming along nicely. Just updated it with our travel info from last year off Ice, which took up a LOT of time! We hit five countries, from Australia/Pacific to East and West Europe, then a whirlwind tour of the states! Crazy to think about all that traveling in a three month period but it was fun and we'll be doing something similar again this year although we're still waiting on the decision for the Port Hueneme gig to decide on what travel plan to go with... Waiting for a decision from the home office is always trying... Times like this I think their just trying to break me!
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Anyhow, we should be hearing some news soon and I'll try to keep things a bit better updated here, so stay tuned!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Well, that last storm was big, but the one we had yesterday, June 30th, was a BEAST!! High winds and lots of snow!
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Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!